Thursday, June 26, 2008

"Wondering Home"

Have you ever wondered, "Where am I, and What am I doing here?" Well, I have many times. I am striving to daily seeking my Lord to show me His direction because I know I'm lost and wondering without HIM!

Illustration: Think of my Chastity & Cherish in a big mall and suddenly Mommy or Daddy no where to be found. They have no sense of direction as children in that big place. And even if they start to wonder, most likely they will not be able to find their way to us or where we came from. But Mommy or Daddy could show them the way!!!

...That is so like us in life! We are wondering through day to day and God says, "I want to give you direction... the right directions. But its your choice to take my path." That is one thing I love about God, He doesn't force HIS way on anyone, but instead lets us choose it. And many times HIS ways are not "our" ways, but leads to much better blessings if we choose HIS way! So what's His way? Well, for one its eternal life with the one who loves us more than anyone else could even wish too, instead of separation from HIM and agony for eternity. "Confess that Jesus is LORD and you will be saved!" And although I don't know all the rest of the answers and I'm not one to pretend to, this I do know: Our faithfulness to HIM leads to His blessings along the way. So when its not easy, and man do I know life isn't always easy, seeking HIM and asking for HIS direction daily will keep us on HIS path. Everyone else in life will want to offer "the way" we should go, whether with good or bad intentions, but NO ONE else's direction will keep us directly on HIS path, so seek HIM ONLY!

{"We are never lost when we are in the arms of Jesus. He'll remain by our side, and He'll deliver us safely back to HIS heavenly home, where we can bask in the presence of our loving Father for all eternity."} --this was a quote from my quiet time with HIM this morning out of, Completely Blessed, by Shannon Ethridge. (Ladies Completely HIS-book is a MUST READ!)

So, we can be like Jonah and go our own way instead of God's and end up in the belly of the whale, so to speak, or we can choose HIS way the first time. Although it's not been easy I want to stay on HIS path! Let's lift each other up and encourage one another along life's road to the presence of our loving Father!

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