Saturday, October 6, 2007


Today was another of the many days the LORD used my little ones to speak to me. This story is just too precious not to share it with you guys. May HE bless your hearts through it as well...
Chastity as you most know is my tender & sweet heart. Most everything she says is generated first through her precious heart. Well, after she woke up from her nap she was just laying around (still trying to fully wake up). Our little miss Cherish Daisy is going through this giving lovings out stage (only if she wants to of course). She will walk around giving kisses and lovin's. And might I add Cherish LOVES her sissy (or Tis say as she calls her). So as they usually do when they wake up, Cherish headed over to give her Sissy some lovin's. They gave one another a kiss and immediately I could see Chastity's little wheels turning in her head. Then without hesitation out of the blue, she spoke up and said, "I'm going to put that kiss in my heart, and one day when I ask Jesus in my heart, I'm going to go to heaven and give that kiss to Jesus!" Needless to say my eyes didn't stay dry. To think how much that meant to me, it had to bring a smile to Jesus' heart too. "WOW LORD you are so good, to even use a 3 year old to show your tender love." It blesses my heart to know she is already pondering the thoughts of asking Jesus in her heart (which her Daddy and I pray daily for both our girls) and heaven.
So that was my delight of the day. May our sweet LORD bring a special one your way today as well!

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