Friday, March 13, 2009

What's your view of Jesus?

Below is a Post from my brother's blog that I thought- man everyone needs to read this... check it out!

is this for real?

Take a minute and look at the picture that someone made of Jesus.

Pretty isn't it? isn't He?

Nice little white doves just flying around and one even decided to let Jesus hold him. How nice. And look at the little lamb He is holding, cute isn't He?

If we are to be honest is this not the picture of some sorts that we have of Jesus? I mean we picture Him with long flowing brown hair with a nice trimmed beard and in a white dress with some purple or blue shaw over His shoulders, and of course He is white... duh. Right?

Wow! I wonder if this is what Jesus really looked like? I mean He could not have possibly been a strong man with calloused hands from working all day like He was some lower class citizen, could He? Like a carpenter or something. He would not ever look like He was in need of a shower and need His clothes washed would He? And of course His appearance was that of an Anglo-American and not Mediterranean like ALL the other people He lived around. I mean it wasn't like He walked all around the dusty roads driven by the Holy Spirit to have divine interactions with people and show them how God really does love them, or was that exactly what His life was like?

To think of Jesus like this would mean that we might have to throw away EVERY image we have in our minds of Him and well we just don't want to do that do we?

Or maybe we should. Maybe then when someone walks into our lives or better yet maybe even our churches who smells a little or has a tattoo or twelve and who is not wearing what we would consider our Sunday best, maybe then we may see them as a little more human. Someone Jesus hay have hung out with or perhaps even looked like Himself.

I know that's a bit harsh and a little sarcastic but I think we can all use a wake up call every now and then as to just how we ARE viewing Jesus.

Is your Jesus big enough to be dirty? The Jesus I seek after is.
-Post Written by Tommy Altman (pretty smart guy, huh?)

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