Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thank YOU Sweet LORD

(The italicized below are taken from the song Audience of One by Big Daddy Weave.)
Colossians 2:6-7
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
I come on my knees
to lay down before You
bringing all that I am
longing only to know You.
Seeking your face
and not only Your hand
I find You embracing me just as I am!
~I am blown away by the concept that the Master of this Universe would give me, a simple sinner who fails HIM everyday, a chance to come into HIS HOLY PRESENCE! Yet He longs for that. And then that He would even embrace me! WOW-- who am I? With this week being Thanksgiving, I just wanted to say thank you to the ONE who has never left my side and blessed me along the way everyday. Sweet Lord, if I never received one more materialist thing in my life I fully know that YOU would be enough!

Just to know YOU more has become my great reward.
~I have come to the point where knowing YOU (LORD) more is far more blessing than anything. Nothing lasts as you do. We in this world seek for fulfillment, and the bits of my time in YOUR presence has revealed to me that nothing is as filling and brings contentment as YOU do!

I only desire to be YOURS!
What could I bring to honor Your Majesty?
What song could I sing that would move the heart of Royalty?
~Although I know that what I bring or fail to bring to YOU will never be able to change the depth of YOUR love for me. I so wish to give You something to bring You honor! And so I bring You Praise, Thanksgiving and myself. Not much fit for a King, yet in knowing that is what You desire, I surrender it to You. Be glorified in and through my life Sweet Lord!

When all that I have is this life that You've given me
so LORD let me live for YOU, my song with humility!
I have one desire to bring Glory to YOUR name!
My Audience of ONE!

~Thank you Sweet Lord for giving me more than enough to be thankful for this Thanksgiving Season. And so I continue to be blessed beyond measure!

Mine is...
a heart that beats to Praise YOU!
Post wrote humbly by Christi Weed

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