Friday, August 10, 2007

God Speaks!

Have you ever been to the point you feel like you are about to break? When you are just about ready to give up and throw in the towel? Where you finally have to surrender ALL to Him or you know you won't make it? The Lord has allowed me to come to that point tonight. I Praise you Lord! We can rely on His strength. In our weakness He is made strong. He is dependable. Tonight He has shown me to just "POUR OUT YOUR HEART TO THE LORD." In good times or bad, joyful or stressful...He just wants to hear what is on our hearts. Why? So He can be the one to be here for us. Wow! To think that regardless who we are, where we've been, what we've done or when we come to Him...He is always there- waiting on us. Thank you sweet Jesus- the lover of my soul.
Lately through much stress He has spoken to me as we spend time together (such blessed needed time- just HIM and Me!)...may the truths He has shown me be an encouragement to you as well.
"BE STILL BEFORE THE LORD." Oh what comfort to know He is in control even when we feel like we are falling apart. In those quiet moments together is when He reveals His treasures to me. What delight that He would share such intimate moments with me! Who am I? Absolutely nothing without HIM! Shhh be still and try it...just listen to Him...clear all distractions if only for one minute to think of our HOLY Heavenly Father who delights in us.
"WAIT UPON THE LORD." This is a hard one for me. Our culture today has taught us we can have what we want when we want it, however that completely contradicts God's Word and way. His timing is perfect, not ours. And what we want right now most of the time is not the best for us or a few months down the road we just want something different anyway. But too many times we take things into our hands and do it our way instead of waiting on God's timing and will. We can see this through the example of Sarah in the Bible where God promised her and Abraham a child, yet in their old age they still were waiting. So Sarah took matters into her own hands and had Hagar (her maidservant) be with Abraham to have them a child. How sad, what a mess and to think how that must have made God feel. She didn't trust fully in His she thought she would help Him out some. God doesn't need our help but our complete trust. "GIVE OUR TRUST TO THE LORD."

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